Departments » Development and Alumni Relations

Phone: (312) 369-7287
Fax: (312) 369-8437

600 S. Michigan Avenue
Suite 400

Our offices are currently closed to visitors.
Please contact us via phone or email and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Lauren Harrison
Dir Development Ldrshp Gvng, Development and Alumni Relations
600 S Michigan  Map
Phone: (312) 369-7805

Dirk Matthews
Interim VP Dev/Alumni Rel, Development and Alumni Relations
Adjunct Faculty, Cinema and Television Arts
600 S Michigan, Room 400  Map
Phone: (312) 369-7620

Jessica Quintero
Asst Director Alumni/Donor Svc, Development and Alumni Relations
600 S Michigan, Room 400  Map
Phone: (312) 369-7519

Jaclyn Silverman
Development Manager MoCP, Development and Alumni Relations
600 S Michigan  Map
Phone: (312) 369-8651